Meet Our Grantees and Read Their Stories

  • In March of 2024, Local Good Provided funding to support an individual with their security deposit. This is their testimony. “As a recent MFA graduate, I was very nervous about my next transition. Luckily I found a job a few months after graduating, but I also decided to part ways with my long-term roommate. With no one else I had enough trust to move with, I had to make the tough decision to live alone. This grant helped me secure a new apartment by assisting with rent. The amount might not have covered everything, but it was still an insurmountable help to me. Thank you thank you.”
  • In September of 2023, Local Good provided a family with $200 for dance lessons. The parent reported to us: “The Local Good grant helped get my daughter to region dance competitions where she won 1st place!


  • In October of 2023, Local Good supported an individual who needed dental work. This is their testimony: I Love working in the Arts. It’s not something I do because the “pay is good ” or what not. It’s what I want to do for the rest of my life. Sometimes, working in the arts, you find yourself in a financially tough spot during off-seasons, so I was very grateful for Brett and Local Good for
    helping me out with my dental bill! I can’t express my gratitude for them. Thanks again!


  • In September of 2023, Local Good provided a family with $200 for dance lessons. The parent reported to us: “The Local Good grant helped get my daughter to region dance competitions where she won 1st place!


  • In February of 2023, Local Good Assisted an individual who needed a gift card for rideshare to go to and from appointments.  They gave the individual a $200 Lyft Gift card. “Thank you so much for the Lyft gift card! As a disabled person, it was very hard for me to go to my doctors and also visit my friends. I can’t walk that well and reserving a ride through public transportation takes forever. With that gift card, I am now able to visit my friends and family and get to my doctor’s appointments on time. 


  • In February of 2023, Local Good assisted an individual who needed dental work: “This year Local Good was kind enough to give me a micro-grant of $200 towards important dental work I’ve been needing to get done. It would have cost me $1000. total out-of-pocket, so even a small amount toward it was a huge help. The application process was easy and intuitive. I submitted some basic information on what the funds would go toward and why, and soon got a positive response from Local Good. The need for small-scale, personal mutual aid for friends and neighbors who just need a little help meeting their basic human needs is so important. Although I have a full-time job, I work in the arts for a non-profit and need a side hustle to fill in the gaps. It’s just reality that for many folks, unexpected emergency costs just aren’t in the budget, so a little help to keep me afloat means a lot.”


  • In October of 2022, Local Good assisted an individual in purchasing new tires for their car. They reported being grateful and not feeling stressed out because they had reliable transportation to their employment.